OnlyWipes is a group of legendary retar.... raiders, known for their big... uhm... hearts and even bigger fails. Made up of Eorzeas finest professional ERPers and greyparsers, we strike fear in the hearts of every partyfinder group. We live the content. We breathe the content. We take the content on nice dates and buy it flowers and pay for its dinner. Every woman wants to be with us and every man wishes to be like us. This is peak performance and you can't even try to deny it.
Every remarkable performance draws in the haters. They dont realize that they dont pay our subs and we wear their comments as a badge of honor:
"I'm done dude. I'm uninstalling. This is so ridiculous and insufferable. you cant even justify this shit anymore"
UCOB PF Sage idk why lol -2024
"How about you clear some actual content like UWU before telling me how to play"
DutyFinder Tank, who ate every dungeon mechanic - 2023
"Oh.... it's you again......."
The entirety of chaos PF when we join their log groups
"Sorry my goldfish is drowning, thats more important than watching you wipe"
Partyfinder Warrior in UCOB - 2021
"If you touch me with Nisi one more time i will sell your dog"
Partyfinder Redmage in TEA - 2021
"wow you parse so good, you even satisfied my wife"
Anonymous and totally not made up person - 2021
"thanks to you i didn't feel so bad about my dps anymore!"
Freestyle Samurai i met in Duty finder - 2020
"are you trolling?"
Dude from partyfinder who got mass reported - 2020
"don*t run away with the stack marker, are you dumb?"
basically everyone, everytime we do content
"you know savage is only for people who know what they are doing right?"
basically everyone, everytime when we do savage
This is as good as it gets. We are the elite. We are OnlyWipes
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