interface DeathEvent {
    ability: null | Ability;
    deathSaveAbility: null | Ability;
    deathSaveTime: null | number;
    isFeign: boolean;
    killer: null | Actor;
    killerInstanceId: null | number;
    killingAbility: null | Ability;
    source: null | Actor;
    sourceDisposition: ActorDisposition;
    sourceInstanceId: number;
    sourceRaidMarker: number;
    sourceResources: null | ResourceData;
    target: null | Actor;
    targetDisposition: ActorDisposition;
    targetInstanceId: number;
    targetRaidMarker: number;
    targetResources: null | ResourceData;
    timestamp: number;
    type: "death";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


ability: null | Ability

The ability used by the source on the target. Null if no ability is set.

deathSaveAbility: null | Ability

If there was an earlier death save ability that kept the target alive, the ability will be indicated here.

deathSaveTime: null | number

If there was an earlier death save, the time the save happened will be indicated here.

isFeign: boolean

Feign boolean. For World of Warcraft hunter feigns, will be set to true if this death was a feign.

killer: null | Actor

If it can be determined for the death, this field will tell you which actor killed the target.

killerInstanceId: null | number

The instance id of the killing actor.

killingAbility: null | Ability

If it can be determined for the death, this field will tell you which ability was used to kill the target.

source: null | Actor

The source actor. Null if no source is set.

sourceDisposition: ActorDisposition

The raw disposition of the source. Use the isFriendlyParticipant and isEnemyParticipant methods to obtain the overall single disposition for this actor. This field should be used with caution as it could flip if the logger or the unit get mind controlled.

sourceInstanceId: number

The instance id of the source.

sourceRaidMarker: number

The raid marker on this source unit. 0 if no raid marker is set.

sourceResources: null | ResourceData

Resource data for the source. Null if no resource information is available.

target: null | Actor

The target actor. Null if no target is set.

targetDisposition: ActorDisposition

The raw disposition of the target. Use the isFriendlyParticipant and isEnemyParticipant methods on Fight to obtain the overall single disposition for this actor. This field should be used with caution as it could flip if the logger or the unit get mind controlled.

targetInstanceId: number

The instance id of the target.

targetRaidMarker: number

The raid marker on this source unit. 0 if no raid marker is set.

targetResources: null | ResourceData

Resource data for the target. Null if no resource information is available.

timestamp: number

The time offset of the event in milliseconds from the start of the report.

type: "death"

The type of the event.