interface SimulatedTickEvent {
    ability: null | Ability;
    actorPotencyRatio: number;
    criticalHitStatusEffects: StatusEffectInfo[];
    criticalHitTotalFromStatusEffects: number;
    directHitPercentage: number;
    directHitStatusEffects: StatusEffectInfo[];
    directHitTotalFromStatusEffects: number;
    expectedAmount: number;
    expectedCritRate: number;
    finalizedAmount: number;
    guessAmount: number;
    isInvulnerable: number;
    isSimulated: number;
    isTick: number;
    multiplierStatusEffects: StatusEffectInfo[];
    multiplierTotalFromStatusEffects: number;
    source: null | Actor;
    sourceDisposition: ActorDisposition;
    sourceInstanceId: number;
    sourceRaidMarker: number;
    sourceResources: null | ResourceData;
    target: null | Actor;
    targetDisposition: ActorDisposition;
    targetInstanceId: number;
    targetRaidMarker: number;
    targetResources: null | ResourceData;
    timestamp: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


ability: null | Ability

The ability used by the source on the target. Null if no ability is set.

actorPotencyRatio: number

The actor's potency ratio, i.e., how much damage or healing we believe they do per point of potency.

criticalHitStatusEffects: StatusEffectInfo[]

The set of critical hit status effects in effect.

criticalHitTotalFromStatusEffects: number

The additive critical hit buff for the tick, e.g., 1.1 if the player has a 10% buff applied.

directHitPercentage: number

The estimated direct hit percentage for the actor. This is not supplied in the tick itself, so has to just be estimated from normal damage/healing.

directHitStatusEffects: StatusEffectInfo[]

The set of direct hit status effects in effect.

directHitTotalFromStatusEffects: number

The additive direct hit buff for the tick, e.g., 1.1 if the player has a 10% buff applied.

expectedAmount: number

The expected amount of the tick (before crit and dh are factored in). This is as close to the guessed amount as we can get based off the low byte of supplied tick information.

expectedCritRate: number

The expected crit rate for the actor. Based off the supplied low byte of crit rate in the tick.

finalizedAmount: number

The actual finalized amount of the tick including expected crit and direct hit bonus damage.

guessAmount: number

The amount we guessed for the tick amount (before crit and dh are factored in) based off the potency of the tick and how much damage/healing we believe the actor does per point of potency.

isInvulnerable: number

For DoT/HoT ticks on invulnerable targets, this will be set. Examples of this include E7S and Ruby Weapon II.

isSimulated: number

Whether or not the event is simulated. Returns true.

isTick: number

Whether or not the event is a tick. Returns true.

multiplierStatusEffects: StatusEffectInfo[]

The set of multiplicative status effects in effect.

multiplierTotalFromStatusEffects: number

The damage or healing multiplier for the tick, e.g., 1.1 if the player has a 10% buff applied.

source: null | Actor

The source actor. Null if no source is set.

sourceDisposition: ActorDisposition

The raw disposition of the source. Use the isFriendlyParticipant and isEnemyParticipant methods to obtain the overall single disposition for this actor. This field should be used with caution as it could flip if the logger or the unit get mind controlled.

sourceInstanceId: number

The instance id of the source.

sourceRaidMarker: number

The raid marker on this source unit. 0 if no raid marker is set.

sourceResources: null | ResourceData

Resource data for the source. Null if no resource information is available.

target: null | Actor

The target actor. Null if no target is set.

targetDisposition: ActorDisposition

The raw disposition of the target. Use the isFriendlyParticipant and isEnemyParticipant methods on Fight to obtain the overall single disposition for this actor. This field should be used with caution as it could flip if the logger or the unit get mind controlled.

targetInstanceId: number

The instance id of the target.

targetRaidMarker: number

The raid marker on this source unit. 0 if no raid marker is set.

targetResources: null | ResourceData

Resource data for the target. Null if no resource information is available.

timestamp: number

The time offset of the event in milliseconds from the start of the report.